

About Freestylekarate Project

Together, let’s create a new Combat Sport!


 About Freestylekarate Project

The aim of Freestyle karate project (FK project) is to create places of communication among a broad range of karate schools, karate practitioners and other martial artists where they can exchange their vast knowledge of techniques.
In order to achieve this purpose it was decided that more “impartial and fair” competition rules are necessary.And based upon this concept, the TS-Rules( = Freestyle Karate Rules )were devised.
I think that  important to establish rules that all parties can agree upon.  We would like to establish these rules using people from many different backgrounds in a mutual effort to evaluate the problem and avoid, as much as possible, any personal in discussions.
Also, if the karate world succeeds in establishing a set of universally accepted rules,  it will result in the ‘minority’ image being swept away, making it possible to face the world at large.
The reason for this is that if we break down the walls among the various schools that deny communication with other schools and allow karate practitioners to recognize each other as companions (partners), it will make it possible to gain a number of fans that is second only to soccer among all the sports.
The reasons why karate is seen as being much lower in stature than soccer is not just down to it being perceived as an interior sport, but also because karate practitioners set up walls 
between their respective schools.  does this not lead to a form of exclusionsexclusions?
I repeat, the purpose of the freestyle karate project is to do away with the walls between the various schools of karate and to establish communications among the wide variety of schools.
I am convinced that in order to make such communications more meaningful, a set of universal competition rules is necessary.
In order to devise such new rules, I have considered the true essence of combative sports and skills.
And based upon a thorough analysis of the true essence of combative skills, I came up with the most universally acceptable set of rules that I call the TS Rules.
Through spreading these new rules, it is my desire to merge martial arts and sports into one and give KARATE-DO a new set of values.
In other words, the freestyle karate project is such as aimed at going beyond the walls of nation, religion, and language to link people together.
I want to stop here and make it clear that the TS karate martial arts competitive rules (the two types of freestyle and Kyokushin style) are not meant as a blanket dismissal of all the existing traditional competitive rules nor of the various schools of karate.
I am not denying the existence of the various existing rules and schools.
Rather, I simply believe that if the existing rules and schools are considered to be absolute, it will eventually lead to a loss of creativity and dynamism.
Rules are created for some aim or purpose.And that aim or purpose changes along with the times.
I believe that karate and other sports are forms of art. Also, I believe that art is necessary to effect restoration of humanitarianism.
I want the nucleus of the freestyle karate project to make karate and karate competitions function as a restorative of humanitarianism, to serve as a foundation for the engendering of creativity and dynamism.
Now I want to explain in simple terms the differences between the new rules (competitive methods) and traditional rules (competitive methods).
According to the new rules, when a competitor lands a technique upon his/her opponent new, its effectiveness will be converted to a numerical score and displayed to not only the competitors, but also to the audiences.
Previously, matches that only judged striking skills made it more difficult to declare a winner.
By adding “take downs”(taoshiwaza) and “grabbing from behind” (haigotori) there are more ways when clear points can be scored, thus making it easier to declare which is the winner.
And the kicks that thrill audiences will be awarded in the shape of  “technical high kick points.”
These changes will make it possible for both competitors and audiences to have a clearer picture of the competition and enjoy the fights.
By introducing more dimensions to fighting and through adopting stringent judging standards, the true essence of combative skills will continue to nurture the tactics and strategies in competition.
In this context, karate competitions will be converted into an intellectual pursuit like those of chess and shogi.
In conclusion, karate translates into English as “empty hands,” but I believe that it really means “open mind” in that the two characters “Ku” and “te” indicate an incessant evolution to the outside and a simultaneous cultivation of the inside.
In other words, it is the endless creative process of subsuming and merging with one’s opponent, as well as of reforming oneself.
The endless creation of one’s bonds with others is precisely the ideology of “freestyle karate.”
Finally, the ultimate goal (aim) of this project it to establish communications with others who have been excluded as outsiders, to develop an understanding of such parties, and to effect mutual recognition and reconciliation with them.
We eagerly await the participation of numerous karate practitioners and martial artists.

 The 5 aims of freestyle karate

Impartial communication among all the people of the world.

  1. Impartial communication among all the people of the world.
  2.  Increasing the capacity to consider fighting strategies and tactics.
  3. Gaining self defense skills that will rob one’s opponent of his fighting powers.
  4.  Enjoying competing for a long time.
  5. Testing of various skill to exercise creativity.
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